Wednesday, June 6, 2012

{Wednesdays with Willis}

I may need to rethink this title; "Wednesdays with Willis & Janey" is really more appropriate. Janey is how I lovingly refer to my sewing machine. The last few months have been so crazy- lots of orders for Sea of Lovely & they just keep coming in! With that being said, sewing has been my second job. Here is what I've been up to on my days off while Willis lays around sighing because 100% of my attention is not on him.
bibs, bibs, bibs! 
and more bibs...
and bibs with matching burp cloths
And last but not least...

Stacy's new beach tote!!

find the tutorial for this sweet summer accessory here

perfect for her trip to Mazatlan!!
I hope this post finds you well on hump day :)

Time to take this huffy pup on a walk.



Monday, June 4, 2012

{5 Lovely Things on Monday}

Wait for it...this is going to be a HOOT!
Ok, yes, I'm a cornball but I've officially finished 5 owls!!

They're all so sweet & different!
Next I'm going to embark on making elephant & whale plushies :)
