Thursday, January 27, 2011

Picture This

Have any sad, displaced picture frames around the house? I have the perfect idea to repurpose those bad boys & help you get organized!

Exhibit A:

These images most certainly did not go in our circa-1980's home so with a little oxi-clean love & some spray paint you get this:

The next step involves some fabric, mesh screen (cheapest kind from the hardware store is perfect), & a staple gun. And let me save you some time-- a $6 staple gun from Big Lots doesn't cut it!

Now it's time to get handy! When I came home from ACE with my shiny roofing-grade stapler I felt powerful. Be warned, they are powerful. Get those protective eye wear out & go to town:

Once the mesh is in place cut it down so is self-contained in the frame's ridge. Next trace the frame's outer border on your fabric. Staple the fabric cut out to the back of the frame. For a neater look fold the edges over & staple (this also helps prevent fraying). Finally, place a few felt protective stickers on the backside so when hanging the staples won't scratch your wall up.

Time to unveil your final project & put it to use:


Such a


way to





I also made a few of these as Christmas gifts & they both sent me thank you texts with their frames in use. It's so lovely to see your handmade goods in use!!

And that's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed my first little post/tutorial & thanks for subscribing :)


p.s. I'm not opposed to comments either!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Listen to Lucy what is lil ol' me doing with a blog? Everyone else is doing it, right? Truthfully, last week I had a- albeit brief- moment of clarity: while creating a design board for a future sewing project I realized "I love this; nursing is overrated". Don't get me wrong, my career is very rewarding but I'm not only a nurse. I'm also a crafty chick who cannot get enough of shabby-chic goodness & all things lovely. Combing this passion/obsession with a recent abundance of free time= I've decided to use this site as a repository for my creative adventures with sewing, DIY home projects, style & design. I also want to inspire others as so many clever ladies have before me.

You may also be wondering what's with the Lucy title? As the bossy big sister it was a nickname my family lovingly granted me. (See here for further clarification.) As a kid I hated it but now I embrace it!

What readers can expect from yours truly are frequent updates on projects conjured in my *drawering room & a sprinkling of other things in my life that make me excited enough to type.
(*workroom name cred goes to Bradley)

...and that's what Lucy says. Cheers!
