Monday, September 26, 2011

{5 Lovely Things on This Monday Evening}

          Moovin, moovin, moovin...I hate it.  And that would be why today's post is so late. Thankfully I had today off so I was able to create some semblance of order- at least in my bedroom. This is the first time I've lived solo & while I miss my roomies I am finding it very liberating.  Funny it took me until 29 to have my own place.  But didn't someone once say better late than never? ;) Anywho, I can't wait to finish what Jade calls "Maraizing" my new space.  Now let's get down to brass tacks...

{1} My Landing Pad
 These past 6 months have been a whirlwind of emotions- not to mention transitions. I'm not sure I would've made it out this intact without my ladies Jade & Stacy.  I snapped this pic yesterday before heading to my apartment to spend my first night there because I loved the reflection in the window.  Something about it spoke to me; perhaps there is a lot of loveliness on the horizon...

{2} My New (really old) Pad
This archived pic is tacked above my mailbox.
1899...can you believe it?
If only these walls could talk...

{3} Canine Neighbors
Our complex is full of dogs, dogs with some serious character.  From the Pit bull who basically lays out his window to keep watch or the deaf Australian Cattle dog who not-so-gracefully shoves his snout out the window blinds whenever anyone walks by.  This crew is a hoot & seeing everyone out walking these pups inevitably reminds me of this scene from "101 Dalmatians". 

{4} A Good Alternative to Paint
This morning I was greeted by an FB post from my friend, Ellen, suggesting I could use removable wallpaper in my apartment. While I can paint here this could be very fun...once I save up enough $$
Photo cred goes to Jordan Ferney of
who shows off this Sherwin Williams design

{5} Rediscovering Your Treasures
No picture necessary.
I've been pleasantly surprised to re-realize all of the awesome stuff I had boxed up!

sweet dreams,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Lifetime of Meals Together

Sharing good eats with loved ones is admittedly a favorite pastime of mine. So why not make an apron and matching potholder for my Mary Bridge friend Jessica 
who tied the knot last weekend?

The short, pleated apron pattern is from Amy Butler's Sew It Kit & the potholder is a design by yours truly. I cannot lie though, that binding drove me batty. Finally- after like 6 tries- got it right with Imagine Fabric's way of binding a potholder. 
Here's a few more snaps of the finished product:

So as not to leave out their wedding gift, I enclosed one of my favorite kitchen books:
Sur La Table's Tips Cooks Love

Congratulations Jessica & Pete!
Now go enjoy your Roman Holiday!! 


Monday, September 19, 2011

{5 Lovely Things on Monday}

Click to view some raw footage with moi narrating.

{2} Smokey Slate Boudoir
Ok, so it's not really a boudoir but that sounds much sexier than a bedroom.
The very sweet boyfriend helped me paint...AND PAINT...over a glossy coat that covered 9' ceilings & 100+years of "colorful" plaster work which made no clean edges to cut in. We think it looks pretty damn good.

{sadly the video cut off prematurely as my camera died}

{3} The Fiesta is Out!

Obviously this display nook will be much fuller- this is just a sneak preview :)

{4} Anna Maria Horner's Pressed Flowers
from her Drawing Room Line
I have grand plans to cover a sad, patched up chair
I scored @ Gdub for $15 with this oh-so-lovely pattern. Photo cred goes to Kate.

{5} I Want. I Need. This Rug.
Have I mentioned how much I <3 West Elm?
And can you tell yellow is going to be a theme in my new joint?
Now I just have to wait until it goes on sale...

I hope your Monday treated you well.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cutest To-Go Cup on the Block

In my efforts to be increasingly green I've been wanting to assemble one of these for a very long time. Who doesn't love ogling a cute photo collage while sucking down your morning cup of Joe? OOh- Pick me, pick me.

Here is the collage in its entirety:

Sorry to disappoint but that's all I got for today. Just wanted to give you a little glimpse of this sweet-n-easy project. Tomorrow I get the keys to my apartment...cheers to new beginnings!!


Monday, September 12, 2011

{5 Lovely Things on Monday}

          It's a big week! On Thursday I'll get the keys to my new apartment. Some of you may be surprised that this will be the very first time I've lived by myself- well, Mr.Willis will be there too of course. And while I'm sad  to make the one minute move from my roomies I'm really looking forward to my own space and getting all of my things out of storage.  It's time to make a new home for Will & I :) Speaking of storage, living in a circa-1899 apartment does not= storage. And that my friends, is why today's lovely things focus on fun storage & organization projects.  I call it: "Storage Sanity Solutions":

{1} Label Loveliness
Let me start this by saying Better Homes & Garden sends me the best "idea" emails.  Their newsletters are always inspiring and a big hit on my Pinterest boards.  At the end of August they had a mailer on "Get Your Home Organized for Fall". Check out these adorable Free Printable Storage Labels:

{2}Shoes in Your Ottoman-
why not?
I want.
Thank you, ocd4life blog for introducing me to Lilly Pulitzer's $600 shoe ottoman...
but I bed I could make it myself.
{3} Pseudo/Custom Armoire
For those of you who know me, you know these closets will just not do!

But with the powers of my large dresser & one of these bad boys I'll be set!!
Originally in Domino magazine- which I greatly miss-
and re-posted on Style & Focus Lifestyle PR blog
{4} Busy Wall Storage
Finding this gem on Pinterest was a lovely surprise!
Sadly, I don't know who to give photo cred to the image originates from a random property management's site.
{5} Kitchen Spacemaker
BHG strikes again

Monday, September 5, 2011

{5 Lovely Things on Labor Day}

This Labor Day I celebrate the esprit de corps amongst my fellow bloggers/creators of loveliness!!

{1} Repurposed Jewelry Magnets
Thank you for Sweet Paul for  posting this adorable idea.
His blogs theme of "chasing the sweet things in life" is quite lovely as well.

{2} DIY Necklace
Dear P.S. I Made This, I'd like to make this.

{3} Living Wreath How-To
A Succulent Masterpiece!
And thanks to The Hostess{with the Mostess} you can make it too!

{4} Gaga for Yo-Yos
Although I'm sans kiddos right now Sew, Mama, Sew
if one of my favorite sites for sewing tutorials!

{5} A Bright Idea
Lost a mason jar's lid?
 Amanda of Crafts by Amanda has the perfect solution :)
I hope today's Lovely Things have inspired you to take part in a little DIY this week!
