Saturday, March 5, 2011

Put It To Use.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Right? As I have adventured into the world of sewing this slogan couldn't apply more. The first time I travelled to the fabric store with a project supply list I was greeted by an unpleasant surprise. One would think that by hand-making things you can save money...then I realized that all of the designer fabrics I was in love with go for about $10 per yard.


This was sort of a let down but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Some very clever ladies have shed light on how to incorporate "cheap" fabric into my projects so I can still afford to indulge in beauties by AMH & AB.

I have a crush on this Anna Maria Horner collection
So what's the answer to my woes? Two words: thrift stores. Goodwill's linen section is a sewing lady's best friend. A queen sheet is almost 7 yards of fabric & costs under $5!
goodies in my arsenal
Sheets are perfect for quilting projects OR lining where you need a considerable amount of fabric but it won't necessarily be seen. For example, last weekend I put together an apron for my mama & used a portion of an old white sheet for the lining. (I think this linen was once my Cleopatra Halloween costume;) I want to keep the finished project a surprise for mom but here's a peak:

Also note that the apron's main fabric was a king pillow case I got on clearance at TJ Maxx--
the ruffle at the bottom was already there!!

So while we're talking thrifty linens I have to give props to my creative friend Ellen who entered a potholder sewing contest. It was made entirely of vintage sheets (except the embroidered flower).

Marvel at the loveliness

And while she didn't win the grand prize her entry was featured on the Prudent Baby website!!  Yay, El!!
So go forth my lovely ladies & scout for fun linens at your local thrift store this weekend!!


p.s. Ok, so please excuse the bordering-on-fake-enthusiasm amount of exclamation points in this post. My creative spirit has been very well-nurtured over the past few weeks & I am truly excited about some projects I finished & am just starting. Plus, a very successful splurge at the Ballard Quilting Loft's Anniversary Sale last week with Ellen has only fed my exuberance even more! :)!

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